Available courses

Access the playbook for New Leads & Tours here. You will find links to download the playbook within the course.

The New Leads & Tours playbook focuses on two key components for enrolling students with Code Ninjas:

  • Connecting with your leads and...
  • Setting up the Tour & Game Building Session (GBS). 

These two actions are critical in establishing a strong starting relationship with each family and ensuring that we showcase the best parts of being a Ninja.

Sections in this playbook include:

  1. Our "Why" and the Ninja's Life Cycle
  2. Leads - Key preparation points, a recommended starting script, and addressing common challenges.
  3. Tours - How to setup for a Tour and then conduct the Tour to drive enrollment.

Related documents (link included in course): New Leads Flowchart, a basic decision tree to categorize leads as live Enrolls or Long-Term Nurtures.

To learn how to run a great GBS, please refer to the final pages of the Sensei Core Training playbook.

An interactive Moodle course on this playbook is under development - tentative release in mid-December 2023.

Access the playbook for Sensei Core Training here.  You will find links to download the playbook within the course.

The Sensei Core Training playbook provides Code Senseis with a comprehensive look at what it means to be a Code Ninjas Code Sensei (Sensei for short). Our Senseis are critical team members in establishing the right culture and tone in our Dojos, as well as providing targeted instruction and guidance for Ninjas' builds, activities, and more.

Sections in this playbook include:

  1. Our Mission, Vision and Values, Core Principles, and Why
  2. Who We Are - our identity, culture, lingo, and programs
  3. Your Role as a Sensei
  4. What We Do in our Dojos - responsibilities, goals, expectations, teaching and managing Dojos
  5. Key Resources
  6. Key Coding Concepts
  7. Game Building Sessions

This playbook is meant for our Senseis, but we strongly encourage Owners and Center Directors also read through the playbook to align on various terms, key principles and points, etc.

An interactive Moodle course on this playbook is under development - tentative release in mid-December 2023.

Access videos explaining the keys to the 4P's that drive creative learning - Passion, Peers, Projects, and Play.  This pedagogy drives our curriculum and how to instruct our Ninjas.

Find links to video recorded training from the legacy Absorb platform (pre-2024). This course includes links for:

  • Code Sensei Instructional Practices
  • Code Sensei Virtual Teaching Strategies
  • Neurodivergent Learners webinar

Please note that the Education & Training team will update and expand content in 2024 - interactive Moodle courses, updated guides and SOPs, and more are under development.

Find links to video recorded training from the legacy Absorb platform (pre-2024). This course includes links for:

  • ChildcareCRM
  • Dojo (UK)
  • Listen360
  • MyStudio

Please note that the Education & Training team will update and expand content in 2024 - interactive Moodle courses, updated guides and SOPs, and more are under development.